
2016 National Poetry Month Blog Tour

April is National Poetry Month in the United States.

Even though I think people should read poetry every day or at least more often than once per month, April has been the focal point for poetry activities since National Poetry Month was created by the Academy of American Poets in 1996.  It’s hard to believe the event has been happening for 20 years.

This year, I’m hoping that I can get some wonderful blogs to participate in the 2016 blog tour for poetry. I would love to get some great new interviews, reviews, poetry readings, innovative poetry activities, and some visual artists interested in sharing some poetic renderings.

If you’re interested in signing up for the tour, feel free to leave a link in the Linky and comment about what you want to host in April.

Stop back here in April for some fun interactive poetry activities.

Tentative schedule:

April 1: Rhapsody in Books (What is Poetry and What Role Does It Perform?)
April 7: I’m Lost in Books (poetry jumpstarting her creativity in high school)
April 14: Fig and Thistle (Andrea Hollander event)
April 15: Tabatha Yeatts
April 16: Suko’s Notebook (poetry collection review)
April 18: Peeking Between the Pages (poetry collection review)
April 19: Necromancy Never Pays
April 23: Bookgirl’s Nightstand
April 25: Diary of an Eccentric (poetry collection review)


Here’s your 2016 NPM Blog Tour Button!



  1. Michelle Heidenrich Barnes says

    Hi Serena. Like Tabatha, I’m not sure what I’ll be posting yet, but I am happy to be part of your tour on 4/22. Today’s Little Ditty is the name of my children’s poetry blog. All I know is it probably won’t be an interview since I have an extensive interview with a children’s poet on the first Friday of every month. On 4/1 I am interviewing Marilyn Singer.

  2. Estrella Azul says

    Hey Serena! I will be posting something poetry related every Friday this month.
    My first blog post, tomorrow, will be a blackout poetry I created and next week I will have a short blog post about where I find the inspiration for writing poetry, flash fiction and what ever else 🙂

  3. Hi Serena! I don’t know what I’ll be talking about yet, but I can take April 15th or 22nd. 🙂

  4. nerdybookgirl says

    I’m focusing on poetry for April. Our university has a reading with Andrea Hollander on April 11th. I could do a write up about that. I would prefer to write on a Thursday or Sunday (perhaps the 14th or 17th) as that is when I tend to focus on reviews/poetry.

  5. I love this idea Serena! Please count me in. I’m not sure what I’ll write about whether it’s a poetry collection or two or something else related to poetry. I can do a post either the third or fourth week in April.

  6. I can really do any days except Mondays and Tuesdays so just give me whatever fits your schedule best. I think I would like to write about how poetry helped me find my creativity when I was in high school. Would that be appropriate for this event?

  7. Suko http://www.sukosnotebook says

    Serena, I will be participating in the Jane and Bertha tour with Poetic Book Tours during National Poetry Month. I realized today that I have been reading more poetry. 🙂

    • I’m so glad that you’ve been reading more poetry. If you want to do another post for the blog tour for National Poetry Month, let me know. But you can count The Jane and Bertha in Me review if you want.

  8. Anna (Diary of an Eccentric) says

    A review on April 25, as you know. I know I don’t read poetry as often as you think I should, but at least you ensure I do once a year! 😉

  9. I’d like to go on April 19. Not sure of the poet yet, but I’ll feature either an entire volume or discuss a poem in depth.