

Savvy Verse & Wit is a blog dedicated to all literary and poetic works. It features writing critiques; reviews of published fiction, nonfiction, and poetry books; offers editorial hints and writing insights; and seeks to spread the love of reading to others, particularly an appreciation for contemporary poetry.

All original material is copyrighted by Serena M. Agusto-Cox

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Why did you call your blog “Savvy Verse & Wit”?

I toyed with a lot of different names for my blog.

I wanted the blog name to signify its content, which I hoped would be writing, reading, and a bit of humor.

Being a poet, I always loved verse and I love the word Savvy, so all that was left was Wit. It is really not that great of a story to tell. Kind of lame, right?!

Most of the giveaways are international on the blog, but to continue this practice, I hope that you will consider making a donation!!

About Me:

Serena is a Bachelor of Arts graduate of Suffolk University in Boston, Mass., who is still interested in the nuances of politics and the interplay of words on a page to create vivid imagery, convey meaning, and interpret the world.

She has moved from the sticks of small town Massachusetts to the outskirts of Washington, D.C., where she writes more vigorously than she did in her college seminars.

Poems can be read in issues of Beginnings Magazine, LYNX, Muse Apprentice Guild, The Harrow, Poems Niederngasse, Avocet, and Pedestal Magazine. She has published a few photographs as well in All Things Girl and through Pearson Education.

Please contact me through email:  savvyverseandwit AT gmail