
Short Story Friday: Greyhound by Jean Ryan

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  1. I’m very picky when it comes to short stories, mostly because it’s hard to get to know the characters in the way I prefer. But I’ve read some good short stories that help me make that connection. I also have read a lot of short stories that seem to end too soon, like they want to reader to think it’s about something profound and get them to ponder that, but to me, they just seem to end and leave me wanting more.

    “Greyhound” sounds like one worth trying, though. Can’t wait for your thoughts on the whole collection.

  2. You know I love short stories. At their best they are so concentrated and finely honed that you don’t feel shorted by their length.

    • Well said, Janel. I too love the short story form, the distillation it demands. Poised between poems and novels, short fiction offers the best of both: precision on the one side, intrigue on the other.

  3. For years, I thought I didn’t enjoy short stories, but recently, I’ve discovered that there are some wonderful ones out there.

  4. Thanks for this review. I have tried to comment on this blog for weeks now and find that my comment will just not go through. Hope I am successful this time around.

  5. I adore short stories (and as a writer, I find them much more fun to write than longer works) — and I think the best short stories are definitely as powerful as novels. A story like “Greyhound,” for example, contains an entire world — an entire novel, really — in fewer pages but with no less emotional resonance.

  6. Beth Hoffman says

    When I read Jean’s guest post yesterday, I ordered her collection. I’m really looking forward to reading her work.

    Happy weekend, Serena!

    • I hope that you enjoy the collection as much as I am, Beth. I really think you’ll love it.

    • Thank you very much, Beth, for ordering my book. I’m glad my blog post resonated with you. As they say, marketing is a process, and much more challenging, for me, than writing. But I do get to make new friends, and that’s a nice bonus.

  7. I just read this story last night. I liked it. Felt it was subtle in its message. My co-worker has adopted three Greyhounds from a rescue and what she’s shared with me, is exactly what the couple shared in the book.

    I never considered short stories all that powerful until recently. I have been reading a lot of short stories lately and with my writing dabbling… (yes! I am dabbling) I appreciate how difficult it is to write a short story that is powerful, meaningful and well written in general.

    • I really love how deep these stories are and I’m so glad to hear that you are enjoying these. I knew you were writing (dabbling), and I hope that it is going well.

    • So glad you liked “Greyhound,” Ti. As you may have guessed, I love that breed and cannot walk by a greyhound without stopping to admire it. Their eyes say so much, and their gentleness is endearing.


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