Source: Sky Pony Press
Hardcover, 32 pgs.
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Piglet Bo Can Do Anything! by Geert de Kockere, illustrated by Tineke Van Hemeldonck, is a story that will give kids the self-confidence to embark on any journey no matter how big or small. Piglet Bo psyches himself up through his mantra, “If I want to, I can do anything.” He thinks about each task and repeats his mantra, and even as kids and parents know that some of the feats he strives to accomplish are impossible, Piglet Bo overcomes the odds, with a little bit of help from nature and the animals around him. Even though Piglet Bo believes he has accomplished great things on his own, it will become clear to kids and their parents that he’s had help along the way.
This collection of vignettes involving Piglet Bo can become a series of teachable moments for kids about having confidence in their own abilities but also learning to be humble enough to realize that they may need help along the way. My daughter believes she can do anything, and she’s confident that she can accomplish any task she sets her mind to, whether it’s as simple as putting the straw in her own juice box or getting the dresses out of her closet. While she still has trouble accepting help, books like Piglet Bo can help reassure her that accepting help does not mean she is incapable of the task. My mantra for her is, give it a try and when you think you want help, ask. This enables her to try new things and do it herself, while letting her know that she can ask me for assistance and still garner a sense of accomplishment.
The illustrations in Piglet Bo Can Do Anything! by Tineke Van Hemeldonck, are wonderfully done, with a mixture of simply drawn animals and paint strokes. Piglet Bo is set to have a series of adventures in this book, right alongside younger readers.
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