The Cottage at Glass Beach by Heather Barbieri is about mothers and daughters and sisters and their tension and love filled relationships. Nora Cunningham returns to Burke’s Island to get away from her scandalous political life in Boston with Malcolm and clear her head in upper Maine. Irish-American immigrant ancestors infuse her memories, memories she barely remembers from her younger childhood of her mother, Maeve, and their life together on the island before her mother’s disappearance. Nora reconnects with her aunt Maire as she begins to find her self — the person she is without Malcolm and the person she’s been deep inside.
“Her mother laughs. Her voice is as sparkling as light on water. The folds of her skirt cling to her legs. She’d dived in fully clothed. She isn’t like the other mothers with their rules and careful ways.” (Page 1 ARC)
Nora’s daughters, Annie and Ella — ages seven and twelve — are like Maire and her sister Maeve used to be — one always cautious and one who lives in the moment. Barbieri’s weaves in Irish folklore about selkies, seals that shed their skin to become humans on land. These seals play a protective role in the story as they are always just off shore, watching carefully. Soon, a man, Owen Kavanagh, washes up on shore near Nora’s cottage in the middle of a rainstorm. But he’s not the only mysterious male on the island; there’s also a young boy named Ronan who befriends Annie.
“Indeed, a shiny head bobbed in the eddies that curled toward the shore, indigo depths between. The creature met Nora’s gaze directly, its dark eyes wide and oddly human, before the children’s laughter drew its attention once more.” (Page 18 ARC)
In many ways Ella and Annie act older than they are, but readers will see the toll that potential divorce can have on kids as their father makes a surprise visit to the island. The island’s oasis atmosphere can be easily disturbed by outsiders, even if the inhabitants are eager to remain in between the past and the future like Nora. However, how the characters react to those disturbances is a sign of strength and the support of their ancestors. Barbieri blurs the lines between folklore and reality well here, and readers will be swept up in a cadence of storytelling that is reminiscent of Irish stories.
The Cottage at Glass Beach by Heather Barbieri is an oasis and a safe harbor in which Nora comes to reassess her life and decide how to move on after being deeply hurt by the one man she thought she could trust. But she also must take into account the feelings and needs of her daughters, which is tough when harboring so much anguish. A perfect summer read about mother-daughter bonds, bonds between sisters, and redemption.
Check out my review of The Lace Makers of Glenmara.
About the Author:
The author of two previous novels, The Lace Makers of Glenmara, and Snow in July, Heather Barbieri has won international prizes for her short fiction. She lives in Seattle with her family. Please visit here on her Website and Facebook.
This is my 3rd book for the 2012 Ireland Reading Challenge.