
Publication News: 2 Poems in Bourgeon

My poetry workshop group has a range of voices and advice on poems, and I’m grateful to them for their help in refining two poems — one about bullying and one about gun violence.

Bourgeon and the wonderful editor, Gregory Luce, were kind enough to select them for publication this week. This magazine is a good resource for all things art in D.C.

You can read my poems, here.

I’ve been published by this online magazine before — my Pergola poem about my vova. I’m ecstatic to be published here again.

Join Me at Bourgeon

Over the last weekend while on vacation, I got the wonderful news that a very personal poem about my Vovó, who passed away two years ago.  I knew that she was ill and didn’t have much time left, and I was furiously writing.

I planned to read it at her funeral, but I was so emotionally wrecked, I was unable to do so.  I did the next best thing — after seeking sage advice from a few writer friends — I let the poem rest with her.

Fast forward two years, I tried to read Pergola at the poetry reading I participated in this year, but failed miserably at that as well.  However, during that reading, I met the wonderful Gregory Luce, who suggested I send him a few poems.

I was happy when he told me Pergola found a home at Bourgeon.  Please feel free to check it out.