Source: Sterling Children’s Books
Hardcover, 18 pgs
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ABC Universe by American Museum of Natural History is not your typical book about the alphabet. Whether you have daughters, sons, nieces, or nephews who are just starting to learn their letters, this board book presents vivid and interesting pictures for kids to associate with their new letters. Young kids always find things they are unfamiliar with in their daily lives fascinating. Outer space is a big wide and different world from that here on Earth. My daughter LOVES outer space stories, and this combines learning new words with things she’s interested in. I think since this book entered the house in March, my daughter and I have read it about 10 times or more. She’s starting to know some of the words on her own by looking at the picture, like Astronaut, and she can tell me what letter the words start with. Harder words, like Quasar, are more difficult, but she does recognize the Q at the beginning of the word.
ABC Universe by American Museum of Natural History is a fun introduction to not only the alphabet, but also things found in outer space. It will get kids thinking about words that they are not readily familiar with and they will see outer space in a different way. We have fun with this book, and we’ll probably read it another 10 times before the year is out.