Source: LibraryThing Early Reviewers
Hardcover, 32 pgs.
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Seriously, You Have to Eat by Adam Mansbach, illustrated by Owen Brozman, is similar to his previous book about the struggles of parenting, though this one is a little more kid friendly. Rather than rely on the outrageous language and profanity, this book focuses on the food asked for an not eaten, the animals that eat no matter what is given to them by their parents, and the astonishing amount of energy that kids seem to have even if they do not eat their meals throughout the day. My daughter was not as tickled by this book as I would have thought. The illustrations are fine and the rhymes are pretty good for the most part, but she may not have seen the sarcastic humor in this one. It may still be a little more geared to those struggling parents, than their kids.
Beyond the struggles with getting kids to eat, this one also touches on the little battles over what kids want to wear versus what they should be wearing to school. There is one moment in the book in which the child is given milk to drink and the “kitchen” is closed, but the parent grabs a drink that smells like “peat.” As a parent of a young child — we glossed over this part — I’m leery of introducing the idea that alcohol is a way to “solve” or deal with problems. Yes, parenting is stressful, and yes, parents may take a drink to unwind, I’m just not sure that’s a message kids should be learning.
Seriously, You Have to Eat by Adam Mansbach, illustrated by Owen Brozman, is a book more fore parents than children, even though the language is less profane. Even if parents share this book with their kids, they may want to gloss over certain things or change them up a bit.
Other Reviews:
I agree that it sounds more for parents. Too bad it was disappointing for you.
Definitely more for parents. I gave it to the library sale…lol
Thanks for your honest review. It does sound like it is a book geared more for parents. Enjoy your weekend, Serena!
Thanks, Suko
That does sound like it’s geared to parents. I’m not sure the author’s humor is for me.
I wasn’t too crazy about this one. I definitely don’t think this is for kids even if the language does not include swears.