Click on the above image for today’s National Poetry Month blog post!
Welcome to the 199th Virtual Poetry Circle!
Remember, this is just for fun and is not meant to be stressful.
Keep in mind what Molly Peacock’s books suggested. Look at a line, a stanza, sentences, and images; describe what you like or don’t like; and offer an opinion. If you missed my review of her book, check it out here.
Also, sign up for the 2013 Dive Into Poetry Challenge because its simple; you only need to read 1 book of poetry. Please sign up to be a stop on the 2013 National Poetry Month Blog Tour and visit the stops on the 2012 National Poetry Month Blog Tour.
Today’s poem is from Sandra Kasturi’s Come Late to the Love of Birds:
Moon & Muchness (page 43) My moonsicle sour-candy-pocked moon! I have licked and loved you to a dim lustre, the hollow-smooth swell of an orchestral bassoon, a worthy glow that can only be mustered by the administrations of my spectral tongue. Let us lap up the song-elevated spheres! -- the phases and phrases of their kestrel migrations, the meandering paths of crenelated stars. Let us tower and fall to crumbled- cake battlements, forge to life from god-dusted bellows, and spoon-feed the sun in all his pie-humbled runcible wit--let us be bean-struck bedfellows. We can swallow the universe in its entirety, its star-speckled, moon-freckled boundless absurdity.
What do you think?
I took it as a love letter to the moon, especially given the first two lines.
So…doing anything special for the 200th virtual poetry circle?? That’s quite an accomplishment. Maybe you should feature your all-time favorite poem or spotlight one or two from your favorite poet…
Wonderful poem! I’m delighted with how she whips up a private universe as if she’s Mother Nature’s apprentice.
I loved that too.