
National Poetry Month Blog Tour Calendar for April 2013

Welcome to the National Poetry Month Blog Tour Event Calendar as it currently stands.  I’d like to fill in all the dates, so please leave a comment or fill out the form to join the fun.

April 1:  Savvy Verse & Wit Kick-Off

April 2: Things Mean a Lot

April 3:  MaggieMaeIJustSayThis

April 4:  Necromancy Never Pays

April 5:  Regular Rumination

April 6:  Booking Mama

April 7: Rhapsody in Books

April 8:  Maximum Exposure

April 9:  The Picky Girl

April 10: Tabatha Yeatts

April 11:  Book Snob

April 12:  Peeking Between the Pages

April 13:  The Betty and Boo Chronicles

April 14:  Rhapsody in Books

April 15: My Juicy Little Universe and Life’s A Stage

April 16:  Lost In Books

April 17: Diary of an Eccentric

April 18:  Still Unfinished

April 19:  Wordy Evidence of the Fact

April 20:  Bermudaonion Weblog

April 21:  Insatiable Booksluts

April 22: Ad Astra (To the Stars)

April 23:  So Many Books

April 24:  Lit and Life

April 25:  A Bookish Way of Life

April 26: Life’s a Stage

April 27:  Insatiable Booksluts

April 28:  The Indextrious Reader

April 29:  Pen Paper Pad at Savvy Verse & Wit

April 30:  Worducopia



  1. Oops, I don’t know how I managed to reply to Laura when I thought I was just leaving a comment – sorry! Anyhow, I just wanted to know if I could join in on the fun and snag the 25th. Thanks!!

  2. I will take a date. All I have to do is talk about poetry right?

    Do I have to write my own poetry or can I post a poem and talk about the poet??

    Let me know.

  3. Liking this so have added it to my post on National Poetry Month.

  4. I’ll take the 23rd if it is still open! I’ll be writing about the Collected Poem of Proust 🙂

  5. Hi,
    What a great idea! I love writing poetry & I’d love to join the blog tour ! Can I join in at the last minute too please?
    How about this one? For the 22nd?


  6. Hey there!
    Looking forward to visiting all this loveliness the blog tour provides again this year.

    I have a little poem up today, some book spine poetry. Could I still join in at the last minute?
    Just a little bit of fun, but do you think I could join the tour with another one for April 15, and for the 26th? 🙂

  7. Hey there!
    Looking forward to visiting all this loveliness the blog tour provides again this year.

    I have a little poem up today, some book spine poetry.
    Just a little bit of fun, but do you think I could join the tour with another one for April 26th? 🙂

  8. Hi, Serena–

    Tabatha pointed me to you. I’ll take April 15 if it’s still open and post on the 2013 Kidlitosphere Progressive Poem, which I will have added a line to on the 14th. Hope your month goes well!


  9. Hi Serena! I’ll take April 10th and give you a post on fibonacci poems, if that works for you.

  10. Hi. I recently started writing poetry, and I’m interested in feedback. My site is pretty new. Is it okay for me to join in this activity?


  1. […] asked me if I would participate in her National Poetry Month blog tour and I said yes, of course! Amy and I would both write posts! (Hers is here.) I initially intended […]

  2. […] Today is my last stop on the Savvy Verse & Wit National Poetry Month Blog Tour. […]

  3. […] I am a stop on Serena’s National Poetry Month Blog Tour. Click on the link for the entire month’s schedule and to enjoy some fine poetry blog […]

  4. […] poem, which I wrote, is for the National Poetry Month Blog Tour organized by Serena of the blog Savvy Verse & Wit. I read this poem during a poetry reading in 2004 with this introduction: “I don’t know […]

  5. […] the 2013 National Poetry Month Blog Tour hosted by Savvy Verse & Wit, I thought it would be fun to read some of Chilean poet Pablo […]

  6. […]   Today is a stop on the Savvy Verse & Wit National Poetry Month Blog Tour. […]

  7. […] // The National Poetry Month Blog Tour, in which I’ll be participating this coming […]

  8. […] For example, I’ll have a post tomorrow that doesn’t fit in with one of my daily themes as I’ll be writing a post about The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle by Haruki Murakami that I’m in the process of reading for The No Stress, No Fuss, Read-Along: The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle (#winditup2013) and the 2013 Haruki Murakami Reading Challenge. This Thursday, I also will be writing a post for the National Poetry Month Blog Tour as organized by Serena of the blog Savvy Verse & Wit. […]

  9. […] & Wit  so of course I wanted to this year as well and after you’re done here be sure to check out the other tour stops as well.  I’ll say right off that I’m no expert when it comes to poetry but I […]

  10. […] Poems of Marcel Proust. I have an April 23rd deadline for these because I signed up to be a stop on Serena’s poetry month blog tour. There are 104 poems and the pages of notes providing context for each poem are often longer than […]

  11. […] you have signed up to celebrate poetry this month, there are still some dates open, just check the schedule and let me know what date you’d […]

  12. […] This post is part of Serena’s National Poetry Month Blog Tour. You can check out the rest of the participants here! […]

  13. […] this year’s National Poetry Month Blog Tour post, I knew I wanted to write about a poem by Natalie […]

  14. […] this month. Serena’s National Poetry Month Blog Tour being hosted is just one one the gems! This is the calendar as it currently stands, have a nice time […]

  15. […] 2013 National Poetry Month Blog Tour is upon us. I hope that everyone will take the chance to check out the schedule and offer up a favorite poem, poetry of their own, or poetry vlogs/vidoes and collection reviews […]