
Seuss and More

I’ve dropped all reading today

because today is Dr. Seuss’ birthday

or so they tell me

those bloggers I see.

Let’s celebrate

his wit and fate

to entertain children and adults

with whimsical words to exult.

He’ll be 108

isn’t that great.

Come share your rhymes

on Twitter; we’ll have good times.

Hashtag #SeussDay

Come and Play.

For the LOVE of Seuss

In all Seussiness, please join us and share your Seussian memories, favorite books, favorite rhymes, politics, and more today.  I’ll tell you that my love of poetry started with Seuss’ Cat in the Hat, which he didn’t have published until 1958!  If you have no idea why Seuss (Theodor Seuss Geisel) is so fun, you should check out Seussville where you can learn about the author, his life, his politics, and just have fun creating your own Whoville character!

In a twist on Necromancy Never Pays‘ weekly trivia game, I’ve crafted a set of Seussian lines for you to check out and tell me which book they came from.  A Seussian prize will be given to the winner who will be drawn at random from those who get all the answers right.

1.  “UNLESS someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better.  It’s not.”

2.  “They kept paying money.  They kept running through until neither the Plain not the Star-Bellies knew whether this one was that one . . . or that one was this one or which one was what one . . . or what one was who.”

3.  “‘I will not let you fall.  I will hold you up high as I stand on a ball.  With a book on one hand! And a cup on my hat!  But that is not ALL I can do!'”

4.  “I hate this game, sir.  This game makes my tongue quite lame, sir.”

5.  “I’m sorry to say so but, sadly, it’s true that Bang-ups and Hang-ups can happen to you.  You can get all hung up in a prickle-ly perch.  And your gang will fly on.”

My daughter’s room is homage to Seuss in his books, his famous quotes, his color palette, and his characters.  I wanted her to be secure in her imagination, and I think that room will help her see that imagination can be

instrumental in success and happiness.  What I always loved about Seuss — besides his poetic rhymes — was the limitlessness of his imagination in the worlds and characters he created.  Worlds I just wanted to jump into and lose

myself in as a kid.  He showed me that life was full of possibilities as long as I was willing to grab onto opportunity or create it where there was none.

For some fun with kids older than mine, you should check out the Seuss crafts on CoffeeCupandCrayons (Mulberry Street, One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish, Oobleck)!

***Also today, I wanted to let everyone know that the judging process is still going for the Indie Lit Awards, and that the winners will be announced this month.***


  1. Dr. Seuss brings back such fond memories. I had all the books but my mom gave them away many moons ago. I wish she wouldn’t have. I love how you decorated your daughter’s room and the reason why. It’s awesome!

  2. This was a fun post. I’ve been enjoying the Suess around the internet today. The Cat in the Hat was one of my first books, and I still have it packed away somewhere.

  3. The first Seuss book I ever read was And To Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Place, in the late 1950s. I was enchanted. I’m planning to do my own blog post on Dr. Seuss later today.

  4. When my kids were little I knew Seuss’s ABC book by heart and would often recite it in the car to keep the kids entertained. Mr. Brown Can Moo was also a favorite back then. As my kids got older my Seussian skill-set included reciting the entire page of what the Cat in the Hat can do without pausing to take a breath. 🙂

  5. What a wonderful tribute and what a fun bedroom! I’m not sure why, but our son only had a few Dr. Seuss books and they were never his favorites.

  6. Dawn - She Is Too Fond of Books says

    What a fun poem/tribute.

    I absolutely love what you’ve done in your daughter’s room, and what you’ve written about why you decorated it that way, and how Seuss influenced you from an early age – “life was full of possibilities as long as I was willing to grab onto opportunity or create it where there was none.”

  7. Dr. Seuss was a favorite of mine and The Girl’s and still is. I think you’ve done a great job with the nursery.

    I’m going to give the contest a go, but it’s been awhile since I’ve read Seuss:

    1. The Lorax
    2. The Sneetches
    3. Green Eggs and Ham
    4. Fox in Socks
    5. Oh, The Places You’ll Go

    What a fun way to celebrate his birthday!

  8. Dr Seuss, saved what there is of my sanity, when my daughter was younger, along with Spike Milligan’s children’s treasury gave me something to read to/with her that I could enjoy & get involved in which the typical young girl pink fairy type books couldn’t. Inspired by this my daughter & I wrote this as part of a post celebrating this wonderful Tale.

    Daddy, Daddy please please can,
    You read to me Green eggs & ham
    No, no this tale, I do not like
    I would not, could not read it tonight

    well, would you, could you now & then
    even possibly soon & when
    read it with me, Barbie & Ken
    No I wouldn’t now & then

    Would you, could you on a boat
    somewhere of the Norfolk coast
    whilst the captain makes some toast
    would you, could you on a boat

    No I wouldn’t on a boat
    even with jam on my toast
    floating off the English coast
    no I wouldn’t on a boat

    Will you, will you on a horse
    riding round a jumping course
    reading semaphore & Morse
    will you, would you on a horse

    No I wouldn’t on a horse
    not even on a dressage course
    read in semaphore & Morse
    never, never on a horse

    Daddy, Daddy please please can,
    you read to me Green eggs & ham
    Green eggs & ham, this very night
    this is something I would not like

    Well, would you, could you in a field
    speeding down a giant hill
    on an old & rusty shield
    would you read it in a field

    Never, never in a field
    it would make me rather ill
    speeding on a rusty shield
    I’ll never read it in a field

    How about read it to a goat
    who’s telling rather saucy jokes
    whilst waterskiing round a moat
    would you read it to a goat
    Read it, read it to a goat
    who’s waterskiing round a moat
    this is a rather poor taste joke
    I will not, read it to a goat

    Well could you teach me, then & now
    to read this book, show me how
    so I can read green eggs & ham
    then I can read it , when I can

    Ok, my daughter I confess
    even if its under duress
    I do like Seuss, I have to say
    I would teach you to read him any day

    But, I will read it till you sleep
    count, count, counting all the sheep
    cuddly toys piled in a heap
    on your bed, that’s never neat

    I will read him now & then
    & together with your friends
    somewhere off the Norfolk coast
    bob, bob, bobbing on a boat

    I will read him on a horse
    signing semaphore & Morse
    whilst I’m sitting in a field
    slip, slip, sliding on a shield

    I will read it to a goat
    who’s waterskiing round a moat
    I will read green eggs & ham
    to you my daughter, yes I can

    With you my daughter, yes we can !!