
I’m Hosting Mailbox Monday #148

First, I would like to congratulate (Bibliophile by the Sea) on winning Where Am I Going by Michelle Cromer from the last Mailbox Monday giveaway.

Stay tuned for the next giveaway later on in the post, but for now, let’s get to this week’s post.

Mailbox Mondays (click the icon to check out the new blog) has gone on tour since Marcia at A Girl and Her Books, formerly The Printed Page passed the torch. Thanks to Amused by Booksfor hosting last month.

As host for this month, I have a couple giveaways planned, but mostly its about sharing books and the love of reading, so I hope in addition to leaving your post links in Mr. Linky that you’ll peek around Savvy Verse & Wit.

Kristi of The Story Siren continues to sponsor her In My Mailbox meme.

Both of these memes allow bloggers to share what books they receive in the mail or through other means over the past week.

Just be warned that these posts can increase your TBR piles and wish lists.

Here’s what I received this week:

1.  The Time in Between by Maria Duenas for review (my second copy, look for a giveaway with the review)

2.   Twilight The Graphic Novel Volume 2 by Stephenie Meyer and adapted by Young Kim

3.  The Giver by Lois Lowry from the library sale for my daughter and myself

4.  The Horse and His Boy by C.S. Lewis from the library sale for my daughter

5.  Who Am I? by Sesame Street from the library sale for my daughter

6.  Silly Sally by Audrey Wood for my daughter from the library sale

7. The Conference of the Birds by Peter Sis for review for TLC Book Tours in early November.

8. The Strangers on Montagu Street by Karen White for review in November.

9. Three Women: A Poetic Triptych and Selected Poems by Emma Eden Ramos for review.

10. Beyond the Scent of Sorrow by Sweta Srivastava Vikram for review.

11. Soul Clothes by Regina D. Jemison for review.

12. A Train in Winter by Caroline Moorehead for a TLC Book Tour at the end of November.

What books did you receive this week?  Please leave your link below to your mailbox.

Now, for the giveaway for the week.  I’m holding an international giveaway for Waking by Ron Rash.  Deadline to enter is Oct. 22, 2011.

I reviewed the book earlier in the month and is my first experience with Rash’s work.  Have you read other Ron Rash books, if so which one and should I read it?

I also posted a poem from the collection in the Virtual Poetry Circle.

Please leave a comment if you are interested in this book.


  1. Great mailbox, Serena! I really want to read The Time in Between. You also got some good ones at the library sale. Don’t you just love those? I’m going to one this weekend. Can’t wait!

  2. thanks for hosting this month! looks like you got some really great books this week. i got an arc of the time in between a few weeks ago and it’s a mammoth of a book. hope we both enjoy it!

  3. I am excited for A Train in Winter–I got that one too! The Giver is one of my favorite books ever!

  4. A Train in Winter sounds heartbreaking, but good. The Strangers on Montagu Street looks good too. I hope you enjoy your books!

  5. You had a good haul last week! I hope you enjoy them all!
    I’ve never read a book by Ron Rash, so I’d love the chance to win Waking.

  6. I’ve never read a book by Ron Rash, so I’d love the chance to win Waking.

  7. That book by Karen White sure looks good! Enjoy all of your new goodies!

  8. Nice mailbox! I have yet to read The Giver, shameful I know.

  9. So many good books!!! I’m super jealous of the Maria Duenas — been dying to read it!

  10. No need to enter me in the giveaway, just stopping by to say great mailbox and I am looking forward to comparing notes on The Time in Between!

  11. You did well this week! Enjoy all your new books and thanks again for hosting!

  12. I haven´t read any of his books, but your after reading your revies I think he´s very interesting author!

  13. You had a busy week! We got a couple of the same books but I won’t be posting my mailbox until next week since I have a guest blog schedule for today. Hope you and Wiggles enjoy your new books!

  14. Our library sale is next weekend-readathon weekend! That may be a good thing though since I really do not need any more books. They are fun to go to. I will have to put the new Karen White book on my wishlist. I love her books! Thanks for hosting!

  15. So many enticing books this week, Serena!

    I’ve seen The Time in Between everywhere it seems! The Giver is on my list of books to read.
    Karen White’s new book looks terrific…and not just because there’s a great Montague St. here in downtown Brooklyn!
    I love all the sweet children’s books you bought for Wiggles, too!

    Enjoy & Happy Reading, Serena!

  16. The Karen White book is something I know I would like…”my hopefully tbr in my lifetime list” just got bigger lol.

  17. It looks like your library had a terrific sale! Years ago my son was assigned The Giver to read & I read it a long with him. It was an enjoyable experience for both of us. Hope it will be for your daughter & you too!

  18. The Time in Between and Stranger on Montegeau Street sound really good to me – enjoy them all Serena.

  19. I LOVE library sales! (which reminds me to look to see when our next one is and put it on my calendar!) The Giver – a family favorite here! You received LOTS of great titles this week – The Time in Between is one that I’ve had my eye on; can’t wait to see what you think of it!

  20. Great mailbox! Enjoy! And thanks for the giveaway.

  21. Oh, I forgot, when you get a chance, could you delete link #18? I goofed again. Sorry. 🙁

  22. Wow, you got a lot of good looking books! I’m intrigued by Beyond the Scent of Sorrow. Isn’t that the same author who wrote the book Slumdog Millionaire was based on?

    I’ve only read one Ron Rash book – Burning Bright. It’s a short story collection. I really enjoyed it, but it’s dark and gritty. I understand his masterpiece is Serena. No need to enter me.

    • Actually, no. Slumdog Millionaire was based on a book by Vikas Swarup. Sweta is a poet I’ve reviewed before, and I also have her first fiction novel to review as well. I have Rash’s Serena on the shelf to read, so it may move up the TBR list soon.

  23. Fun mailbox – for you AND your daughter 🙂

  24. Very very interesting titles. The Time In Between beguiles me…

    And please count me in for Waking. I would love to win a poetry book!!

  25. I received The Time in Between last week. The others are new titles for me. You had a great week.

  26. I’m on the tours for A Train In Winter and The Conference of Birds, I’m really looking forward to both of them.

    I would love to win the giveaway!

    [email protected]

  27. Laurel-Rain Snow says

    I can’t wait to read The Strangers on Montagu Street! I preordered it, so…soon.

  28. The Time In Between seems to be the book of the week! I am seeing it mentioned all over the place!

    I would like to give Ron Rashs work a go!

    Thanks for the international giveaway.

  29. That is a very busy mailbox this week for you. Happy Reading. The poetry book looks wonderful.