
Because All Is Not Lost by Sweta Srivastava Vikram

Sweta Srivastava Vikram‘s Because All Is Not Lost is a new chapbook of poems about grief and recovery.  While recovering from grief is never the same for everyone, these poems speak to the void that death can leave.

“One day she will stop/digging up maggots of loss/breeding in her memory.//” (From Convalescence, page 18)

Vikram uses simple imagery and encapsulated stories to illustrate grief and the possible reactions to loss.  In the introduction, the poets explains her inspiration for the collection, the deaths of her grandfather and her mother’s sister.  The collection is sad and weighs heavily on the reader, and readers should consider taking each poem in separately to absorb their meaning.  However, there are rays of hope within the poems.

From A permanent address, “Flood of affection is what I get from her -/jasmine flowers mixed with olive and a soft kiss// of assurance.  She whispers/that it was a recurring nightmare./That I was safe” (page 20)

Because All Is Not Lost is a chapbook that will affect readers like no other poetry collection. Readers will be absorbed by the grief and the glimmers of light as the narrators deal with emptiness and blame.

***Thanks to the poet Sweta Srivastava Vikram for sending me a copy for review***

Now for the global giveaway; 2 copies up for grabs:

1.  Leave a comment about a moment of loss you’ve felt and how you dealt with it.

2.  Blog, Facebook, or Tweet this giveaway and leave a link here.

Deadline Aug. 27, 2010, at 11:59 PM EST

This is my 10th book for the Clover Bee & Reverie Poetry Challenge.

This is my 41st book for the 2010 New Authors Reading Challenge.


  1. I lost a good friend to a tsunami in December 2004. I dealt with it by just moving on with my life and not thinking about him being gone.

  2. I lost my maternal grandfather when I was really young. He was the only grandparent I was close too. At first my parents tried to keep me away from the actual truth since I was a kid. Over the years as I realized that he was really gone, it was very difficult for me. However as I grew up , I told myself that rather than grieving for him , I should instead remember all the fond memories of him.

    [email protected]

  3. No need to enter me, but I’ve added this giveaway to my sidebar for you.

    Seems like a heavy topic for a chapbook, but I’m glad to hear there are some glimmers of hope.

  4. I’m still coping with the loss of my dad last year. As the first anniversary approaches, I find myself still feeling a certain unreality about his death … like I’m still waiting for him to show up. Grief is a funny thing.

  5. Serena, excellent review of this collection of poems! No need to enter me in this giveaway, because I already have the book (and was fortunate to interview the author).
    I will add this giveaway to my blog’s sidebar.

  6. I lost my grandfather to cancer a few years ago, I dealt with it by keeping him in my heart and know that after 10 years of battling cancer he was finally done struggling. I shared my story with others who had lost family members who lost family to cancer and that helped me heal. We also kept alot of his traditions in our family, like keeping a garden it has helped keep him with us 🙂


  7. Susan Helene Gottfried says

    No need to enter me, babe. I’m dropping in to say thanks for the e-mail. I’ve got this posted at Win a Book for you.


  1. West Of Mars — Win A Book! » Blog Archive » Because All Is Not Lost says:

    […] She’s got Sweta Srivastava Vikram’s chapbook of poetry to share with you guys — two copies, in fact. AND to sweeten the deal, this is a global give. […]