
Giveaway for Map of True Places by Brunonia Barry

Author Brunonia Barry has a new book, The Map of True Places, which hit stores on May 4.  I loved The Lace Reader and cannot wait to read her latest book; to see what I thought of The Lace Reader, check out my review.

“In The Map of True Places, Boston psychotherapist, Zee Finch’s impending marriage falls apart and she loses a bipolar patient to suicide, she returns to the town of her troubled youth––Salem––to care for her ailing father.  While there, Zee encounters danger as she falls into the puzzle of unraveling the mystery surrounding her own mother’s suicide when Zee was a child and realizes shocking parallels between the death of her mother and that of her patient, Lilly Braedon.  She also finds new love with a man who has a mysterious past, which may or may not be related to Lilly’s death.”

Check out this video of Brunonia Barry discussing the novel:

I have one copy of Brunonia Barry’s The Map of True Places for a lucky US/Canada reader:

1.  Leave a comment about whether you’ve read Barry’s work before or why you would like to read this novel.

2. Tweet, Blog, Facebook, or spread the word about the giveaway and leave a link for a second entry.

3.  For a third entry, become a Facebook fan of the blog (you can find the widget in the left sidebar).

Deadline is May 12, 2010 at 11:59 PM EST


  1. OOOPS I thought the deadline was the 22nd, just realized it was the 12th!

  2. I am a facebook fan of your blog! (I also follow through google friend connect!)

    lovemykidsandbooks @ gmail DOT com

  3. I have not yet read any books by this author. A few friends from an online book group I belong to have recommended The Lace Reader. I plan to read that soon. I would really love to win a copy of The Map of True Places since it is on my to read list as well. It looks like it is going to be an upcoming group read in our bookclub!

    lovemykidsandbooks @ gmail DOT com

  4. Steve Capell says

    I found out that her first novel, The Lace Reader, she self-published and because it became such a success it was eventually picked up by the US branch of HarperCollins in a multi-million dollar deal. I haven’t read her first novel; however, both of these novels sound very interesting. On her blog she stated that she wanted to try writing about a hero’s journey for a woman where the protagonist was female. When I first read this … the book series by author Patricia Cornwell came to mind as the protagonist is female and I have read most of Cornwell’s novels and have enjoyed them… now I want to read a Brunonia Barry novel.

  5. I haven’t read anything by this author yet – I have been introduced to the author by reading all the excellent reviews of late for The Lace Reader and Map of True Places. I would love to read this book – it sounds good!

    Thanks for hosting – leenbeen2001 (at) yahoo (dot ) com

  6. I’ve never read any of her work before but it sounds like she writes really good stories. I’d love the chance to give one a try. :0)


  7. I am a Facebook fan of your blog!
    Again, many thanks…Cindi

  8. “Tweet!”
    Thanks, Cindi

  9. I have not read any of Brunonia Barry’s books. I have a degree in Psychology
    and the human psyche interests me very much. It would be fun to read this
    book to see how Zee figures out the puzzles in her life…
    Many thanks, Cindi

  10. I follow on Twitter, Facebook, Google, and right here – and I’d love to read this! I’ve read her first book twice.

  11. I follow on Twitter, Facebook, Google, and right here – and I’d love to read this! I’ve read her first book twice.
    .-= melanie teabird´s last blog ..Happy 91st birthday, Pete Seeger! =-.

  12. I read The Lace Reader when it first came out and loved it. Would love to read this one too! Thanks for the giveaway.
    .-= avisannschild´s last blog ..Similar Covers: More Butterflies (Jar Optional) =-.

  13. “liked” you on Facebook

  14. I’ve had my eye on this one since I first heard about it. I haven’t yet read The Lace Reader, I confess, but it’s one I definitely will be getting to this year at some point. I’d love the opportunity to win a copy of this one, Serena. It sounds so intriguing and complex. Thank you for sharing the trailer.
    .-= Literary Feline´s last blog ..Review: The Killing of Mindi Quintana by Jeffrey A. Cohen =-.

  15. Debra Dufek says

    I have not read any books by this author but would love to. Please include me in your giveaway and thank you!

  16. Debbie F says

    I haven’t read The lace Reader but it is on my TBR pile. I heard alot of great things about it and would love to win this book. Thanks for the opportunity!

    I’m a follower

  17. I am a Facebook follower.

  18. I tweeted from SavvyVerseWit to me, Pearltulip1.

  19. I would love to read this book for more than one reason. I have an interest in learning about Mental illness. I feel these people live on the margins of society for different reasons. I also have a personal reason why I want to know about the Bipolar disease. Thanks for giving the contest.


  20. I found the Lace Reader to be intriguing right to the very end and I am sure this book
    will be good too.
    .-= Mystica´s last blog ..Review – Who Killed Bianca? by Emma Darcy =-.

  21. Jennifer L. says

    No, I haven’t read any of her books. This one sounds great.

  22. I recently read and loved The Lace Reader. I didn’t realize she’d released another one! Yay! It’s for sure going on my wish list!

  23. Thanks for this great giveaway. I enjoyed The Lace Reader and would love the chance to read this novel.

  24. I have been dying to read The Lace Reader, but keep picking up other things. I have heard amazing things about this author though. Thanks for the giveaway!!

  25. Margfie says

    Facebook fan of this blog

  26. I read the Lace Reader and enjoyed it. I’d love to read this one also.

  27. Teresa W. says

    I’m always looking for new authors to read, sounds good! [email protected]

  28. Susan Helene Gottfried says

    Still no need to enter me; the TBR mountains haven’t shrunk in the past hour (drat).

    I’m dropping in to say thanks for the e-mail. I’ve got this posted at Win a Book for you.
    .-= Susan Helene Gottfried´s last blog ..Letter to my Daughter =-.

  29. I’m going to blame my gigantic TBR pile for not reading any of Brunonia’s books yet too!

    I added this giveaway to my sidebar at: http://janelsjumbe.blogspot.com

    I am now a FB fan. 🙂

    .-= Janel´s last blog ..Mmmmm . . . Dessert! =-.

  30. Linda B says

    I have not yet read a book by this author, although Lace Reader is on my wish list. This book sounds very interesting, with the psychological aspect. Thanks for the giveaway.

  31. I haven’t yet read The Lace Reader, but it’s patiently waiting on my shelf. I’ve heard great things about Barry’s work, and I look forward to reading it. I’ve added the giveaway to my sidebar, and I’m already a fan of your blog on Facebook, of course. 😉
    .-= Anna´s last blog ..National Poetry Month Blog Tour: The Girl’s Thoughts on Shel Silverstein =-.

  32. I’m like Lisa, I own The Lace Reader, but haven’t read it. I’d love to win this because I’ve heard so much about Barry’s work. Thanks for the great giveaway!

  33. I must confess that although I own The Lace Reader, I have ye t to read it! No excuse other than too many books too little time! I am a fan of your blog on FB. Thanks for hosting this giveaway!!

    [email protected]
    .-= Lisa (Books and Cooks)´s last blog ..Teaser Tuesday 5.4.10 =-.


  1. West Of Mars — Win A Book! » Blog Archive » The Map of True Places says:

    […] Serena’s got one copy of Brunonia Barry’s The Map of True Places to share with friends in the US or Canada. Ms. Barry, you may recall, wrote The Lace Reader, which many of […]