If you missed Anna’s wrap-up of Book Expo America, go check it out for Mr. Bear’s first jaunts into New York City.
The Amtrak trip from Washington, D.C., to New York City was surprisingly smooth, even Mr. Bear enjoyed himself. Check out his perch. He got bored and hungry during the trip, so we took him to the cafe car for a snack. Then he got a little crazy with Anna, check out these shots of him. Or maybe, its Anna getting fresh with Mr. Bear?
Once in NYC, we headed to the Javits Center after dropping our bags off at the hotel, and Mr. Bear had a great time on the bus.
After his long day with us at the Expo, we took him to the BEATweetUp. Back at the hotel, you can tell Mr. Bear was just as exhausted as we were.
It was great meeting all our “imaginary” friends–Amy of My Friend Amy, Alea of Pop Culture Junkie, Kathy of Bermudaonion, Julie of Booking Mama, Dawn of She Is Too Fond of Books, Natasha of Maw Books, and many others.
I took some great shots of the buildings around the hotel, of the great bloggers we met, Times Square, and many other places, check out the photo set on Flickr, here.
Friday, Anna and I didn’t want to plan because we didn’t know exactly what time we would get into NYC, so we started off on the exhibition floor and ran into Cornel West speaking on one of the stages. My pictures of Cornel West did not come out as well as I had hoped, but the autograph on his book, Hope on a Tightrope, looks fantastic.
Anna and I didn’t really listen to any of the panels this year, just went to author signings, listened to Brother West, and the Book Blogger Panel. Check out the Book Blogger Panel:
Anna and I came out of our shells and met some great publicists, PR people, authors, and others at BEA. We handed out our business cards and hope that we made some great personal connections even if we only met these people briefly–from Lisa Roe, who is bubbling over with energy, to Miriam Parker of Hachette, who is professional, fun, and enthusiastic, to everyone else who introduced themselves. It was great meeting every one in person, and they are exactly who you think they are when you meet them in person. I want to send a special thanks to Dawn of She Is Too Fond of Books for letting Anna and I stay with her in NYC.
Check out the Hubbub Around the Blogosphere feature to the right for more BEA discussions and wrap-ups. I’ll try to update them regularly.
Did you got to BEA? What was your plan? If you go to BEA 2010, will you have a plan?
Don’t forget these great giveaways:
1 copy of Reunion by Therese Fowler, here; Deadline is June 4, 2009, 11:59 PM EST
1 copy of Holly’s Inbox by Holly Denham, here; Deadline is June 10, 2009, 11:59 PM EST