
Dewey’s 24-Hour Read-a-Thon Wrap Up 2015

I decided at the last minute that I wanted to participate even though I knew that I would be gone most of the day.  I had a plan — read poetry and kids books — and stick to it.  The read-a-thon started for me at 8 a.m., so I had time to read before we left and while on the road, and I did, for the most part.  And then, I had time to read when we got back from Maryland Day.

Books Read with Wiggles:

Books Read on my Own:

I went to bed in hour 15, but we also were out for much of the day and participated in a more relaxed way before and after out daily plans.

My daughter enjoyed all the books we ready, but the one she can mostly read (through memorization at age 4) on her own is Zippy the Ant.  I enjoyed Pride & Prejudice: Retold in Limericks the best!  No least favorites for either of us.

What did you do for read-a-thon?